Our commitment
to social responsibility



Our drive to cultivate sustainable business practices is rooted in our vision to create what matters. As a global creative company, we’re committed to developing and investing in our methods, creative products and operations for the sake of people and our planet. Every day, we harness our creative community’s power to fuel the social change we want to see in the world today and tomorrow.

We’ve made a Pledge to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Today, with all the social and racial injustices that continue to foster exclusion and division, our WE imperative is more important than ever before. We’ve made it our priority to create an environment where everyone feels safe, respected, and celebrated. Read our full DEI pledge here.

Goals for a sustainable future

We took a close look at the Agenda for Sustainable Development, the United Nations detailed plan of action for people, the planet and prosperity. Out if its 17 goals, we identified eight which we believe our creative community has the social responsibility to uphold, and the strongest potential to impact. Here are these eight goals and some of the initiatives and partnerships we’ve engaged in as we work towards sustainability.

Peace, justice and strong institutions

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies. Cultivate mutual respect and kindness. Protest against war and violence.

Posters for Peace

Quality education

Ensure and promote inclusive lifelong learning opportunities for all. Celebrate female kinship, strength and success.


Gender equality

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Foster and advocate for female entrepreneurship.

The 3% Movement

Good health and well-being

Promote well-being for all at all ages. Embrace different abilities. Encourage artistic expression for everyone.


Sustainable cities and communities

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. Champion and partner with marginalized communities.

Ballon sur Bitume

Zero hunger and sustainable agriculture

Promote sustainable and organic agriculture. Support local businesses and establish lasting relationships with responsible suppliers.

Jardins Carya

Decent work and economic growth

Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and work for all. Dismantle cultural barriers.

Les Filles Fattoush

Life on land

Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems. Halt and reverse land degradation and biodiversity loss.

Earth Day

Our workplace Initiatives

  • Pro bono and charity work
  • Support for non-profit organisations
  • Free eco-friendly menstrual products
  • Carbon offsetting
  • Meatless days at our bistro
  • Facilitated access to alternative transport
  • Local and responsible suppliers
  • Fair-trade products
  • Eco-friendly appliances
  • Earth Day initiatives

Some of our pro bono projects

More initiatives we care about


We endorse progressive and humanist values. To truly break boundaries in the creative services world, it’s imperative that our work environments be free of them too. Everyone must feel included and respected. Everyone must have an equal opportunity to thrive.



Our team is committed to making Sid Lee a better place — one that is more inclusive, more equitable and more diverse in terms of our leadership, communications, recruitment tools and work environment.

That’s why Sid Lee was among the first agencies to join the Time’s Up Advertising initiative and has pledged to support its creation.




We're convinced that, in order to create what matters, all voices must be heard, and all individuals must be represented.

Sid Lee is joining Free the Bid and pledging to give women directors an equal opportunity to bid on commercial jobs. How? By guaranteeing that at least one woman will be considered at the bidding (or pitching) stage for every commercial job.



We’re always looking for new ways to make the best impact on the causes we hold dear. Feel free to reach out to us with your ideas for partnerships, collaborations or initiatives.


Contact us