A series of How-To’s by Sid Lee and Wayward Arts

Under the theme of a “how to” book, Sid Lee was invited to design the latest issue of Wayward Arts, a magazine created by printing house Flash Reproductions to showcase the unfiltered spirit of Canadian graphic design.
Rather than a single How To guide, we chose instead to create several. The result is a compendium of booklets to help the reader navigate the complexities of modern life. Through an eclectic, humorous (and sometimes serious) approach, this colourful series of guides helps us tackle some of the most relevant questions in our daily lives, including: How To Escape a Sinking Car, How To Floss, How To Roll a Joint, How To Be a Good Listener, How To Take a Stand, How To Decide What’s For Dinner, and How To Become an Adult.
Printed by Flash Reproductions, on Veritiv Cocoon recycled paper.